Archives 2006 145 posts

  1. Dec 31 (1 posts)

    1. Adiós 2006

      Falta menos de 6 horas para que se termine uno de los mejores años de...

      0 reactions
  2. Dec 30 (1 posts)

    1. Which superhero are you?

      Your results: You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 90% The Flash 85% Robin 65%...

      0 reactions
  3. Dec 29 (1 posts)

    1. Dual screen wallpapers has a wide variety of very tasteful and good looking...

      0 reactions
  4. Dec 27 (1 posts)

    1. Cada cuántos años se repite el calendario?

      Mi hermana tiene un calendario de Garfield del año 2000, y me...

      0 reactions
  5. Dec 26 (1 posts)

    1. Thank you letter

      Hace un par de semanas recibí una tarjeta desde UK firmada por los...

      0 reactions
  6. Dec 24 (1 posts)

    1. Víspera de Navidad

      A las 10 de la noche a mi papa se le ocurre ir a buscar algo que...

      0 reactions
  7. Dec 17 (1 posts)

    1. Uptime

      So Berlei made its first full year. I just find it pretty weird that...

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  8. Dec 14 (1 posts)

    1. Oficialmente viejo?

      Ya casi se acaba el último fin de semana útil del año, y este...

      0 reactions
  9. Dec 07 (1 posts)

    1. Por la ventana

      Esta foto la tomé desde la ventana del sitio donde estoy actualmente...

      0 reactions
  10. Dec 06 (1 posts)

    1. Noticias desde UK

      Como mencioné en mi post anterior, envié un paquete a UK y nunca...

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  11. Dec 05 (1 posts)

    1. Around the world

      I sent this guy to UK somewhere in October. This past weekend I get it...

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  12. Dec 04 (1 posts)

    1. The answer to life the universe and everything

      Have you ever wanted to know the answer to life, the universe and...

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  13. Dec 03 (1 posts)

    1. Me compre un Lego Bionicle (casi)

      Hoy fui al mercado central, y encontré que un ambulante vendía copias...

      0 reactions
  14. Nov 29 (1 posts)

    1. Ingeniero titulado - Ing. Jj

      Hoy, después de varias semanas de esfuerzo, terminé el proceso...

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  15. Nov 18 (1 posts)

    1. elpussycat - cool city art

      I fond about this guy on BBC, His art consist on the use of flashlights...

      0 reactions
  16. Nov 17 (1 posts)

    1. Potitos felices con Pompifresh

      Hace un par de semanas, mi mamá me presentó un nuevo producto,...

      0 reactions
  17. Nov 15 (2 posts)

    1. El vuelo del condor

      Ah, si.. el 14 del mes pasado fuí a ver "El vuelo del condor", Era...

      0 reactions
    2. Por qué no posteo?

      No sé en que ando... tengo tiempo, y varias cosas que contar o sobre...

      0 reactions
  18. Oct 24 (1 posts)

    1. 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.5, 2b*, 2rc*, 2.0!! Firefox 2.0!

      So go get it!, definitely worth it. I'll comment more on it later......

      0 reactions
  19. Oct 17 (1 posts)

    1. Etimología de POTO

      "Poto" es una palabra mapuche que quiere decir trasero. Esta palabra...

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  20. Oct 16 (1 posts)

    1. Free as in bad beer

      I don't think that Internet Explorer fits under any Free Software Definition :P

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  21. Oct 15 (1 posts)

    1. Freaky spam

      Ya es la segunda vez que recibo estos correos de spam, me asusta que me...

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  22. Oct 05 (1 posts)

    1. They say it's good luck

      This was one of the first pictures I ever took with my first digital...

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  23. Oct 04 (1 posts)

    1. ¿Qué es BlackBerry?

      Aún no logro entender que es exactamente Blackberry, cada día escucho...

      0 reactions
  24. Oct 03 (1 posts)

    1. Funny/sad filesystem messages

      rm: WARNING: Circular directory structure. This almost certainly means...

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  25. Oct 01 (1 posts)

    1. Parque Kennedy

      Esta foto la tomé el año pasado, en la terraza del edificio de un...

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  26. Sep 29 (1 posts)

    1. top 10 commands @freya

      ~ > history | awk '{print $2}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"} {print $1}' | sort|...

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  27. Sep 28 (1 posts)

    1. Coordenadas de attractivo

      Hace un par de dias salió el post que hacía referencia a este...

      0 reactions
  28. Sep 27 (2 posts)

    1. Chimp Mirror

      My C.H.I.M.P Mirror rocks! :D Too bad I can't use it any more :( (I use...

      0 reactions
    2. Un archivo en dos directorios

      Hoy en clase, el profesor quiso dar un ejemplo, para ello utilizó el...

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  29. Sep 26 (1 posts)

    1. Solve your reading problems! (if they are like mine)

      A couple of days ago, a fellow from Chichaplanet posted about...

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  30. Sep 25 (1 posts)

    1. Noche aureal

      Tomé esta foto el 23 de Diciembre del año pasado, desde la ventana de...

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  31. Sep 24 (2 posts)

    1. Guifications for SVN Gaim

      I'm currently using Gaim from SVN. I wanted to use the Guifications...

      0 reactions
    2. USB rechargeable batteries!

      You just plug your battery to the USB port and start charging! :D

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  32. Sep 22 (1 posts)

    1. Recibe notificaciones de Google a tu celular!

      Hace varios meses que llevo usando mi Google Calendar para ordenar mi...

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  33. Sep 19 (1 posts)

    1. New video card: Ati dies, Nvidia takes over

      Over the last weeks my screen connected to my Ati video card had been...

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  34. Sep 18 (1 posts)

    1. Mas chistes que no puedes contar

      En Gnome Planet encontré este artículo con un chiste de matemática...

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  35. Sep 12 (1 posts)

    1. Google's triangle problem (Correction)

      It is always the same reason I fail in exams, I never read the whole...

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  36. Sep 08 (1 posts)

    1. My blog's URI

      I've noticed that I still get references from URLs that even though DO...

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  37. Sep 06 (1 posts)

    1. Google's triangle problem

      I was reading through Google's aptitude tests, and among the questions,...

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  38. Sep 04 (1 posts)

    1. Quien era Steve Irwin

      Como mucha tenge, yo no lo conocía por su verdadero nombre, sino como...

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  39. Aug 31 (2 posts)

    1. Pierde tu trabajo gracias a las redes sociales

      Veo en una noticia de la universidad de Tulsa, la historia de una chica...

      0 reactions
    2. Excelente chiste *nix

      Cuando me crucé con este chiste en el trabajo, fue una pena que no...

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  40. Aug 24 (1 posts)

    1. 8 planetas en el sistema solar

      Hoy se decidió que son 8 los planetas que conforman el Sistema Solar....

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  41. Aug 15 (1 posts)

    1. Que es un planeta?

      Siempre me pregunté que hacia que un astro sea un "Planeta". Resulta...

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  42. Jun 19 (1 posts)

    1. Javascript fun

      El otro día Steve hizo un post muy interesante acerca de cómo se...

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  43. Jun 14 (2 posts)

    1. Human(Ubuntu Dapper) Gtk theme en Gentoo

      Para hacer que tu tema de GTK se vea como el de Ubuntu Dapper en...

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    2. Fluxbox 1.0RC1

      Ayer, el equipo de Fluxbox liberó el primer release candidate de la...

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  44. Jun 12 (1 posts)

    1. Google Earth for linux!

      The first beta of Google Earth for linux is out there!!, Can't wait to...

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  45. Jun 09 (1 posts)

    1. Google Writely/spreadsheet invitations

      I'm returning the favor. I googled for writely invitations and got...

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  46. Jun 08 (2 posts)

    1. Browser sync

      A Firefox extension to store your firefox configurations online, so you...

      0 reactions
    2. Google spreadsheets

      So Google launched its spreadsheets, I managedto getmy invitation and...

      0 reactions
  47. May 12 (1 posts)

    1. Gotta love your bandwidth

      Luv my bw

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  48. May 11 (1 posts)

    1. About my past flash post

      Yesterday Jakob from Vimeo commented on my rant about Flash 8 He...

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  49. May 09 (1 posts)

    1. Flash around us

      Lately, the use of Flash has been getting pretty decent, there are now...

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  50. May 04 (1 posts)

    1. Colgador de toallas

      Encontré en "I am bored" este interesante colgador de toallas :D

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  51. May 03 (1 posts)

    1. 1,2,3,4,5,6

      Mañana a la 1 de la madrugada con 2 miuntos y 3 segundos sera la fecha...

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  52. May 02 (1 posts)

    1. Firefox

      I still don't see it on but I did find it in one of its...

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  53. Apr 30 (2 posts)

    1. The new antisocial network

      We all know about the big social network sites showing up today,...

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    2. Es Ketchup

      Google liberó una version gratis de el modelador 3D SketchUp. Lástima...

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  54. Apr 25 (1 posts)

    1. El perreo chacalonero

      En los blogs de Dieguito y StereoSkit, me topé con el video de youtube...

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  55. Apr 23 (3 posts)

    1. Windows is not good for your safety

      Via KDE Developers, I find this interesting picture showing how Iberia...

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    2. Felicitaciones Rudy

      Aprovecho para felicitar a mi amigo Rudy Godoy que a partir de hoy es...

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    3. Gentoo/Inkscape/Gcc/...... bleh

      So I emerged Inkscape 0.43 after working perfectly fine for a while...

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  56. Apr 19 (1 posts)

    1. More robot fun

      Its amazing what robots can do now Watch the related videos too, they...

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  57. Apr 16 (3 posts)

    1. Internet Explorer Javascript Exploit

      This is the createTextRange() exploit It affects patched versions of...

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    2. Firefox HTML exploit

      The following code makes Firefox <= to crash ...

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    3. Human clock

      Human Clock es una interesante página. Consiste en una imagen que se...

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  58. Apr 14 (1 posts)

    1. Open Discussion Day!

      El 19 de Mayo será el "Open Discussion Day": Adios IM antiguo. Con la...

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  59. Apr 13 (3 posts)

    1. The price of getting your assignments done?!

      Everybody knows geeks make better lovers Although This Microsoft ad...

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    2. Google Calendar!

      Google Calendar is out! Google's Calendar comes with a simple user...

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    3. I need a vacation

      And I need to go to Victoria Falls in Africa. It even has a bungee...

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  60. Apr 12 (1 posts)

    1. Firefox bug makes couple break up

      So this guy is engaged to some girl, and he goes to dating web pages....

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  61. Apr 11 (1 posts)

    1. Basketball blooper


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  62. Apr 10 (3 posts)

    1. Chuck Norris reading Chuck Norris' facts!

      For those who just can't have enough Chuck Norris' Facts, here are 100...

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    2. Celebrando la fiesta electoral

      Ayer fuí a gozar de mi derecho de sufragio, equivocadamente hice cola...

      0 reactions
    3. Todos queremos ser como Chuck Norris

      Chuck Norris perdió su virginidad antes que su padre. Chuck norris no...

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  63. Apr 09 (2 posts)

    1. They came to conquer Uranus

      Do people actually do that on purpose to their farms? Those are pretty...

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    2. Onpe slashdotted

      Intento entrar a la página de la ONPE para ver en que mesa me toca ir...

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  64. Apr 08 (1 posts)

    1. Virus multiplataforma?

      Leo en las noticias que la compañía Kaspersky ha desarrollado una...

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  65. Apr 07 (1 posts)

    1. IE recent phishing vulnerability

      Today I read about the recent phishing vulnerability in Internet...

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  66. Apr 06 (1 posts)

    1. Dependencia de las manos en los baños

      Por que aún tenemos que depender tanto de las manos en los baños?...

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  67. Apr 05 (2 posts)

    1. What is Tomcat's wiki made of?

      Answer: It's made of Python I guess the Tomcat guys didn't want to...

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    2. What is "cum"


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  68. Apr 03 (1 posts)

    1. New features on laptops

      Since Lenovo is making the new Thinkpads, there have been some...

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  69. Apr 02 (2 posts)

    1. Gmail's growth rate

      It was last April's Fools when Gmail announced 2GB of storage, and from...

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    2. Back online

      For some reason all my DNS settings were resetted after I renewed...

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  70. Mar 27 (1 posts)

    1. How to chase a girl

      Give her a head start and then RUN after her Just make sure you will be...

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  71. Mar 25 (1 posts)

    1. Me?? Spamming?

      Ok, I don't know how did this happen. The simple solution was to...

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  72. Mar 23 (1 posts)

    1. Google finance

      We all know Yahoo's finance site, which has been there for long, became...

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  73. Mar 14 (1 posts)

    1. Pi day

      HaPI Day :) Lets all hang our PI posters :D

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  74. Mar 13 (2 posts)

    1. Google mars! (and other services)

      Google Mars! I wonder what's comming next. This is all fun, but I am...

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    2. Upgrading Mono in Gentoo

      I'm emerging a newer version of Mono so I can install some cool new...

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  75. Mar 11 (1 posts)

    1. Python fun

      It's been a while since I posted, work and sleep don't leave time to...

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  76. Feb 27 (1 posts)

    1. So these are my firefox extensions

      Since everybody is doing it, I'll post the list of firefox extensions...

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  77. Feb 24 (1 posts)


      You accidentally enter your password on the microwave. You haven't...

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  78. Feb 23 (1 posts)

    1. Lotus Notes files?

      At my new job they use Lotus Notes as well. I never liked that program,...

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  79. Feb 22 (2 posts)

    1. Diversión en el trabajo

      En mi nuevo trabajo encuentro muy pocas escusas para programar o hacer...

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    2. Minority report?

      When I first saw this, I thought It would be too unconfortable to have...

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  80. Feb 16 (1 posts)

    1. Computer meme

      I found this meme on some livejournal. Stuff about my computer :)...

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  81. Feb 15 (1 posts)

    1. Internet Explorer 7 ad? Firefox flicks!

      I ran into this Internet Explorer 7 ad, I still don't see how is it...

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  82. Feb 14 (1 posts)

    1. Single Awareness Day

      I hope that all of you who could celebrate had a happy Valentine's Day....

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  83. Feb 11 (1 posts)

    1. Google College search

      Many people know about Google's Linux, mac, bsd, microsoft search. They...

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  84. Feb 10 (2 posts)

    1. Trabajo por objetivos

      Cada vez son mas los empleos donde se usa la filosofía de "trabajo por...

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    2. Mas Cuzco!

      Que divertido que fué ése viaje! zOMG! Acá algunas fotos de los...

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  85. Feb 08 (1 posts)

    1. Ohh Cuzco~

      Viendo mis fotos terminpe viendo las de aquella vez en cuzco el año...

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  86. Feb 07 (1 posts)

    1. Gtalk dilema!

      Google talk now logs your Gtalk conversations to your Gmail account!,...

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  87. Feb 05 (2 posts)

    1. What are the odds?

      [07:19] ùíù Signoff Teresh: (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)...

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    2. Adios desempleo

      Hoy se acaban mis pequeñas vacaciones, que en realidad fueron dias de...

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  88. Feb 04 (2 posts)

    1. Examen de reglas de manejo

      Volví a dar el examen de reglas de manejo y esta vez si lo pasé! Mi...

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    2. Best blonde joke ever

      I found the best blonde joke ever on Rodolfo Pilas' Blog!

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  89. Feb 03 (3 posts)

    1. Touring 1 - Jj 0

      No pasé mi examen de reglas :? Leí la mitad del libro que compré y...

      0 reactions
    2. Google maps Wish

      The last couple of days I've been sending directions in in Lima using...

      0 reactions
    3. Leyendo...

      Me encuentro leyendo el "Reglamento Nacional de Tránsito, para obtener...

      0 reactions
  90. Feb 01 (3 posts)

    1. San Isidro

      Una foto de San Isidro vista desde el edificio donde estábamos trabajando

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    2. Did you read your TOS?

      The other day I read this post with 10 reasons why not to use MSN...

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    3. stuffr

      Stuffr flickr fastr frappr gtalkr Start your own r website :D Updated:...

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  91. Jan 31 (1 posts)

    1. Mozilla about:what?

      Last night I was talking with tabo about Firefox, and he asked me what...

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  92. Jan 30 (2 posts)

    1. Sigamos descargando ...

      Viendo el post de Tabo sobre Sisdesmaltro recordé de unos scripts que...

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    2. What is going on in Argentina?

      I was talking with a friend from Argentina, and google mapping our...

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  93. Jan 29 (2 posts)

    1. Google maps mistakes

      Google maps is an amazing application. I love it, and I love to wander...

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    2. Web x.0

      Web 2.0 is here, it just got here come months ago and people is already...

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  94. Jan 28 (3 posts)

    1. Chichaplanet is down

      Acabo de entrar a Chichaplanet, y me encuentro con la pantalla de error...

      0 reactions
    2. Mas transformers!

      Me encontré con este video que tenía en mi computadora. Es un...

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    3. New pictures at Google maps

      Yep, as the title says, there are new pictures in Google Maps. Sadly I...

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  95. Jan 27 (1 posts)

    1. Cómo ser un modelo nudista

      Es sorprendente las cosas que uno puede aprender en Internet :) Como en...

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  96. Jan 26 (1 posts)

    1. La nueva cara de Google

      Como leo en algunas páginas, parece que Google está probando una...

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  97. Jan 25 (2 posts)

    1. Transformers movie!

      Hace algunos meses había escuchado acerca de la película de...

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    2. Nerd test

      [ ]( 3% scored higher (more...

      0 reactions
  98. Jan 20 (1 posts)

    1. Patriot Search, Informa al gobierno de tus hábitos de búsqueda :)

      Patriot Search Es el nuevo motor de búsqueda cuyo fin es informar a...

      0 reactions
  99. Jan 19 (1 posts)

    1. Docking sidebars in Openoffice

      It's been a while since I wanted to post this, I had the hardest time...

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  100. Jan 18 (2 posts)

    1. Google talk abre las puertas!

      Ya era hora. Leí la noticia un poco tarde, pero de todas formas es...

      0 reactions
    2. Nuevos pajaritos

      Si se entra a mi cuenta en flickr, es fácil darse cuenta que tengo...

      0 reactions
  101. Jan 16 (2 posts)

    1. Hosted by Aureal Systems

      Hice éste botón agradecer a mis buenos amigos de Aureal Systems por...

      0 reactions
    2. Adsense search & Valid XHTML1.1

      I just changed my old google searchbox with Adsense's official search...

      0 reactions
  102. Jan 15 (2 posts)

    1. internationalization

      So I decided to give my english skills a shot and try to make some...

      0 reactions
    2. Spam, Spam, Spam

      Acabo de instalar el plugin Spam Karma para ver cómo me va para evitar...

      0 reactions
  103. Jan 14 (1 posts)

    1. Wordpress 2.0

      Acabo de hacer mi upgrade a Wordpress 2.0. Afortunadamente todo...

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  104. Jan 11 (1 posts)

    1. Una cara en la cordillera del Perú

      Hace tiempo encontré éste link de una cara en Google Maps mientras...

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  105. Jan 09 (1 posts)

    1. Test Aptitud vocacional

      What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) Parece que tomé la...

      0 reactions
  106. Jan 08 (2 posts)

    1. PHP con Huevos

      Acabo de encontrar en varios lugares información sobre los huevos de...

      0 reactions
    2. Mplayer, Snakes and Rubies

      Para poder ver el video de la conferencia Snakes & Rubies tuve que...

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  107. Jan 04 (1 posts)

    1. Unattachable attachments

      Me ha pasado varias veces que mis amigos me reenvian mensajes con el...

      0 reactions
  108. Jan 02 (1 posts)

    1. Excelente link

      Justo lo que necesitaba :D Cómo hacer ejercicio en la computadora

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  109. Jan 01 (1 posts)

    1. Nuevo año

      Feliz 2006! Para recibirlo fuí con mis amigos a la fiesta en Haras. La...

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