Archives Sep 2008 14 posts

  1. Sep 30 (1 posts)

    1. CSS sin C

      El único elemento al que se puede agregar atributos "id" o "class" es...

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  2. Sep 29 (1 posts)

    1. Oh, I love Python coding...

      But I just feel so much better after I've just written good C code :) .

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  3. Sep 26 (2 posts)

    1. Best flash app ever

      This flash app was designed to be used in an Iphone, I can definitely...

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    2. ¿Que tán daltónico soy?

      Interesante el test que pone Slayer X en su blog para conocer la...

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  4. Sep 25 (1 posts)

    1. My firefox experience

      Hace ya bastante tiempo tengo este post pendiente para escribir de...

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  5. Sep 24 (1 posts)

    1. Sobre el engreimiento femenino

      Todos los hombres deberíamos dejar de engreir a las mujeres, no nos...

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  6. Sep 22 (1 posts)

    1. Decepción

      Se podría representar como la diferencia entre la expectativa y lo...

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  7. Sep 20 (1 posts)

    1. Meme me

      Instructions: Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your...

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  8. Sep 19 (1 posts)

    1. La web de Interbank, nuevamente

      La semana pasada el banco Interbank decidió cambiar el diseño de su...

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  9. Sep 07 (1 posts)

    1. Happy 10th birthday Google :)

      Have fun celebrating with the DjangoCon party :) Read through Google's 10 years.

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  10. Sep 03 (1 posts)

    1. Fluxbox 1.1

      Yesterday the latest version of my favorite WM was released. New...

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  11. Sep 02 (1 posts)

    1. Yo también quiero hablar sobre Chrome

      Todos los hacen, así que meto mi cuchara :) . Mi feature favorito es...

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  12. Sep 01 (2 posts)

    1. Multi threaded tab browsing

      Last week I read about this great idea on the IEblog, they will be...

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    2. We all have to learn to do this

      We have all encountered ourselves in this situation (some more than...

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