Wanted to do another non #transformers pic, but couldn't help with this beauty! Finally opened him. I bought it in 2014 and it's been waiting since. This figure is gorgeous! Probably the best use of this mold #toys #autobot #hasbro #toyphotography #toycollector #toy #decepticon #takara #toyhunter #robots #robot #hasbrotoypic #toycollection #collection #decepticons #autobots #toyphoto #toptoyphotos #toyhax #reprolabels #upgrades

trashk -
roboticaddiction Nice job👏
cianmarcelo Aun no abro el mío, pero como me ha tentado durante años igual que el springer que tiene el mismo molde 🙈
cianmarcelo @jjdelc creo q te voy a seguir los pasos 🤣
cianmarcelo @jjdelc tienes toda la razón!
jjdelc @cianmarcelo aprovecha la cuarentena. Luego si me muero no quiero irme sin haberlos disfrutado. Ya me di cuenta q esos no los voy a vender
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Easily my favorite from the Thrilling 30 line. This guy is just bad @$$