Let's play!! Oh boy how do I love base modes now. Titan masters and the new kind of masters are best for this kind of play. Makes me want to open my other titans out if their boxes and ass more. #transformers #toys #autobot #hasbro #toyphotography #toycollector #toy #decepticon #takara #toyhunter #robots #robot #hasbrotoypic #toycollection #collection #decepticons #autobots #toyphoto #toptoyphotos #titansreturn

forever_transformers -
samkajabon 😍
transformer_combiner_couple Play time. Yaay
sentinel_rob That is a seriously impressive city set up. 👌🏻
saritaitaherrerita Donde escondiste a Luna??? Ya se comió alguno? 😂😂😂😂😂
kltoybox That’s epic!!
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😍 Can I join?☺️