So I've got 6 Pownce invitations to give away. I am willing to send them to anyone who comments on this post and does these 3 things:
Puts their email in rot-13
Adds a link to their picture displaying sexy underwear being worn that I can confirm it's theirs and not just some random picture from the Internets.
Say how cool I am
OR, you could also try InviteShare :) .
Personally, Pownce isn't all that hot as it's cracked up to be.
#29698" title="2007-07-31 01:42:40">lau: ia, io kero :) no tengo la foto pero si me caes bien :D Y bueno, ¿cuánto? mmm .. pues hace un año me caÃas mejor :P
#29707" title="2007-07-31 03:47:40">koki: Se agradece
#29745" title="2007-07-31 10:41:01">breno: Aunque por el momento sigo usando twitter porque todos están ahà :P , bueno, "usando".
#29852" title="2007-07-31 22:56:54">Jj: uhm... no pues, son 3 condiciones... no es tan dificil
#31277" title="2007-08-08 16:40:47">rogelio: No le veo grandes maravillas al Pownce. Ya lo sabes, no importa cuantas features tenga el aplicativo, el popular es el que sobrevive.