I ran into the Wikpedia page for Crayola offical colors.
The list consists of 133 colors, with names and HEX values, so with a little help of Python, it was easy to extract them into a JSON file that we can use:
"hex": "#EFDECD",
"name": "Almond",
"rgb": "(239, 222, 205)"
"hex": "#CD9575",
"name": "Antique Brass",
"rgb": "(205, 149, 117)"
"hex": "#FDD9B5",
"name": "Apricot",
"rgb": "(253, 217, 181)"
"hex": "#78DBE2",
"name": "Aquamarine",
"rgb": "(120, 219, 226)"
"hex": "#87A96B",
"name": "Asparagus",
"rgb": "(135, 169, 107)"
"hex": "#FFA474",
"name": "Atomic Tangerine",